I can't believe it is already Thanksgiving! I can already feel Christmas being over, and it hasn't even started yet! Time goes by so fast! Well, we had our spread today, which ALWAYS includes our deep fryed turkey and Nana's Cornbread Oyster Stuffing . This stuffing is made for Den so he can feel like he's home at his Nana's, I personally prefer "Stove Top." (Not that that makes me feel at home, I just don't prefer the smell of oysters.) Actually a bowl of gravy is about all I need! This year, Jacque decided Den's stuffing actually tasted pretty good. Den swears that it is one of those dishes that tastes better the next day--so we made it on Wednesday, and wouldn't you know when we put it on the table today, it already had one row MISSING! Guess a little taste test was necessary--hmmmm. Too bad you can't zoom in on this picture, you could see it gone. This first picture, I realized Den wasn't in it, and you were wondering "who" that was with me and the kids--well, it is a friend of ours that came to spend the afternoon with us while his wife and children were with family down in Arkansas. So, here is a picture of all of us........ Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving--we sure did!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I can't believe it is already Thanksgiving! I can already feel Christmas being over, and it hasn't even started yet! Time goes by so fast! Well, we had our spread today, which ALWAYS includes our deep fryed turkey and Nana's Cornbread Oyster Stuffing . This stuffing is made for Den so he can feel like he's home at his Nana's, I personally prefer "Stove Top." (Not that that makes me feel at home, I just don't prefer the smell of oysters.) Actually a bowl of gravy is about all I need! This year, Jacque decided Den's stuffing actually tasted pretty good. Den swears that it is one of those dishes that tastes better the next day--so we made it on Wednesday, and wouldn't you know when we put it on the table today, it already had one row MISSING! Guess a little taste test was necessary--hmmmm. Too bad you can't zoom in on this picture, you could see it gone. This first picture, I realized Den wasn't in it, and you were wondering "who" that was with me and the kids--well, it is a friend of ours that came to spend the afternoon with us while his wife and children were with family down in Arkansas. So, here is a picture of all of us........ Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving--we sure did!!!!!!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Sneak Peek at Ben's Christmas program songs!!
You'll need to hit the pause button on my music player, "Playlist", to pause the background songs so you can hear Ben!
Christmas Time is Near (Alvin and the Chipmunks)
Up on the House Top
Mary Had a Baby
Buster and Mr. Jingles
Ok, trying something new here. While we were at the cabin, we found a little house guest, a cute furry brown mouse. Pretty much like the mouse on The Green Mile, Mr. Jingles--you get the picture. Well, Den first saw him sitting on the pillow on the couch, watching Fox News with him, just taking in the view. Well, he must have needed a change in scenery since he made a dash for Den's tennis shoe, hanging out there in his new little "mouse pad." As you can imagine, I quickly remedied that, and gave the little mousy a new home, OUTSIDE the front door of the cabin. Well, Buster, the indoor city dog that he is, quickly found out what he was actually made for. He had a blast trying to catch that little mouse, and when I finally grabbed the camera and video taped him, the mouse had found a new hiding spot under a tree. So, this was a little glimpse at Buster, doing what most dogs should be doing----unlike what Buster really is, becoming more human/spoiled everyday. :)
Den's 40th birthday at the Cabin
Den and Jacque had a little issue with keeping the frosting off of their noses
Friday, November 7, 2008
Oh yeah, let the celebrating begin!!! He's 40!!
Lunch with friends
Den, Jacque and Julie
A "dear" little friend

My brother Jeff with Moses
While the kids and I went home for a visit over MEA break, we visited my brother's home in Maysville, MO. We met their newest addition, Moses. Earlier in the Spring, one of their children had rescued a fawn caught in the middle of rising flood waters. They appropriately named him Moses. Moses spent the first few nights in the house, in bed I might add!!, with one of my nephews, Joseph--the one who saved him. Since then, Moses just sticks around. He even sleeps curled up outside the front door. Too bad we can't keep him!!
Oh those pesky squirrels!
We had so much fun carving pumpkins this year---we even roasted the seeds, which I think Ben and Mommy liked the most. Wil and Jacque seem to still be occupying themselves with all their Halloween candy they need--no want--to eat. But as you can see, the squirrels have had a little fun with the kid's pumpkins. All good things must come to an end at some point!