One of the fun things I am learning with PACT Charter school is some of the traditions they do that aid in the learning process for the kids. One of these is the
Medieval Feast. They do this every other year so each child has a turn to experience both parts of this Feast.
After spending a week or so learning about this time period, it ends with this big feast that puts it all into perspective in a fun way. This is for grades 1st- 4
th. Each classroom picks a Lord and Lady to represent them. And for all the 1st-4
th, a King and Queen are picked--
thru a drawing. Everyone else, well you become a Knight, lady in waiting, jester, priest, merchant or the lowly surfs. Come the day of the feast, everyone dresses their part.
The actual feast doesn't begin until 12:30, after High School has finished their lunches. Since majority of the elementary eats between 10:15 and 11:30, they have the kids eat a big snack that day before the actual feast. This is where there are two parts to participate in. The 1st and 2
nd grades get a "special" snack/feast put on for them while the 3rd and 4
th just bring a snack to eat on in their classrooms.
This snack/feast for the smaller ones is really fun and interesting. This is where they really learn about the social "classes."
So, here is the spread for these little was fresh fruits, cheeses, veggies, breads and jellies
My job for the day was to prepare the veggie/fruit face tray that is presented to the Lords and Ladies before the feast can begin..... not bad eh???
So, here starts the head table for the Lords and Ladies. First to be seated are the Knights, then the Ladies in Waiting.....
....then the Jesters, then the Priests, then the Merchants, and then the surfs....which was of course little Ben. (See him closest to the camera looking at you?) So, this is all the 1st and 2
nd grade, sitting, waiting to be served.
Oh, but here is the interesting part. They have to serve each other, by class. Poor Ben, that meant he was served last.
So, here we start with the Knights serving the Lords....
The Lady's in Waiting serving the Ladies.....
The Ladies in Waiting serving the Knights....
The Jesters serving the Ladies in Waiting.....
The Priests serving the Jesters.....
The Merchants serving the Priests.....
And of course, the Surfs get the leftovers, and they serve themselves.....but we gave in there, and the mommies and teachers served the surfs....they were so patient, and hungry :o)
This is Ben's teacher, Mrs. Klismith
So, on to the next part, the Medieval Feast for all..........
This would be the second time a child would get to participate in the feast. As a 3rd or 4th grader, but you just didn't get to do the snack/feast part this time. Ben will get to do this one more time, in 4 th grade. The feast lasts for about an hour, with several courses being served, Jesters performing and other entertainment by the kids all thru out.
Here is the procession of everyone coming in for the feast into the
The King and Queen, and Lords and Ladies sit at the head of the table...everyone else is down below.
Here is
Jacque searching for people to bob for apples--one of the entertaining activities they did during these feasts long ago....
This is Ben performing his "part"....they were acting out for the court being greedy, then sharing. So, no Ben wasn't being naughty and running around...... :o)
Ben enjoying his beef stew in a bread bowl--no napkins or silverware allowed--there was no such thing back then anyway!
Jacque wasn't too thrilled with the idea of no napkins....she loved the food.....just didn't want to be so messy!