Well, what can I say, it's September 9 and I'm updating you on girl scout camp from June......it's been a busy summer, but yet I couldn't even begin to tell you what made it go by so fast either!!!
Jacque has been in girl scouts for 3 years now, with the same group of about 7 girls. This was their second year to go to camp, and my second year to go with them as a
chaperon. Being the troop's cookie mom comes with it's
privileges--I'm a registered Girl Scout myself, so I get to attend these events!
We went to camp over by Forest Lake, MN--only about 45 minutes from home. Our cabins this year were without all forms of electricity---and the toilet outside by us had a glow necklace hanging around it at night so you could find it. You can only imagine how much the girls looked forward to that!!! At the other end of the camp, however, there were some really nice shower houses with really nice, fully functioning toilets complete with all the lights you wanted.....we just had to hike to it :o) So, in the middle of the night, we were hiking....even though the glow in the dark toilet was only about 100 ft. from our cabins :o)
We had 2 cabins...attached with a deck and picnic table between them. So we were up on a platform
basically. My one picture below may not show that very well. We were at camp for 3 days and 2 nights and the girls had a blast......especially after I showed up from a "sneak" trip to the local
walmart in town for a battery operated lantern :o)
The girls got to pick out
activities as a troop they wanted to do....
canoeing, pottery, archery, swimming, and the last one I just can't think of, it is September, not June......the mind has a way of just forgetting things!
I stayed in the cabin with
Jacque and 2 other girls, the 2 troop leaders and the other 4 girls stayed in the other cabin. We had a blast and are looking forward to next summer already!! We have our eyes on the Yurts (circular tent) for next year, one huge round tent on a platform with 6
bunk beds all around the edge--sleeps 12 girls/moms. Hey, now we won't have to take turns with my battery operated lantern at night! One for all, all for one!!!!
Jacque and her
bunk mates, Maddie and
The troop!

The troop leaders and cookie mom :o)

Only in Minnesota do you go swimming with your stocking cap on, and it really doesn't bother you or anyone else!!

Jacque and her
bunk mates board their canoe........

Off they go........................
Hard to tell, but they kept getting stuck in the weeds, and this is about the 4
th time they were getting pulled out...................
Jacque and Mom in Pottery class

Our cabins, home sweet home......

The girls just hanging out inside one of the cabins

Jacque in Pottery Class.....she loves anything crafty

We had no idea how good
Jacque would be at Archery, she loved it!!!!! Now she practices at home....at a target, not her brothers :o)

The troop and their leaders on the last night....heading out for
S'mores in their PJ's!